I Must Be Getting Old

January 5, 2008
Posted by Jay Livingston

The subject line of the e-mail was “sociology major.” The sender’s name was completely unfamiliar. Here’s the text in its entirety (I’ve changed the name):

hey mr livingston - i am a sociology major named raoul flynn - i am having a lil problem and i need your help with something - can i please make an apointment to come see you whenever you are free as soon as possible if ya can - thank you

It’s hard to say why I found this so off-putting – at least not without sounding stuffy and authoritarian. But as Ali G might put it, “Yo, respeck.”


  1. I LOLled. kthxbi

  2. The second p in appointment is always the harder one for people to remember. Why?

  3. i dont get it. why did it make u feel old?

  4. Gess ur not 1 ov thse lctrs hoo r dwn widda kidz.
