SNAP Judgment

December 5, 2012
Posted by Jay Livingston

Mayor Booker’s decision to go on the SNAP diet has gotten a lot of coverage in the press.  His hometown paper, the Star-Ledger, had him on the front page.

If this is really what the mayor bought with his food stamps, there’s one stereotype he’s not putting to rest – the Coastal elitist.  Yes, he’s got the Goya garbanzos and frijoles, and he’s got the yams.

But organic extra virgin olive oil?  Really, Cory. 


  1. Makes me think of the arugula slip-up

  2. Or Bush 41 never having seen a price scanner. But Obama was right -- Whole Foods does charge outrageous prices for arugula.

  3. Maybe he was trying to indicate that you can actually do a lot within the food stamp allowance?
