Posted by Jay Livingston
Frankly, I’m puzzled. Here’s a guy at a McCain rally in North Carolina holding up a homemade sign that says, “McCain – The Best Cure for Your Colon.”

I must be hopelessly out of touch, but I’m clueless.
Any ideas?
I found the picture at the website of the Fayetteville Observer a few days ago. The same issue reported that at an Obama rally, several cars had their tires slashed, presumably by people Sarah Palin would refer to as “real Americans.”
Uuuum, bad joke about Colin Powell?
If so, it means that "real" Americans can't spell. But we already knew that, didn't we?
Anomie -- I was thinking along those lines too. But if that's what the sign holder had in mind, he's not painting a very attractive image of his candidate.
Perhaps it is actually quite humerous, and our unfunny liberal selves are just incapable of getting the joke.
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